Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides

Zagreb, 2015-11- 17/19



The Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides met at the Institute for Plant Protection of Croatia in Zagreb on 2015-11-17/19, at the kind invitation of Ms Masten-Milek. The Panel was welcomed by Ms Novak, head of the Institute who gave a brief overview on the Institute’s structure and activities. Participants had the opportunity to visit the laboratories. Special thanks are due to Ms Novak and her colleagues for their warm hospitality and excellent organization of this meeting.




Participants - View more pictures >


EPPO Standards

The Panel continued its main task of developing Standards for conducting field trials to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides and insecticides. A number of new and revised Standards were discussed. Ms Jørgensen made a presentation on the ‘Control of leaf diseases in grain maize’ to present the results of research carried out by Aarhus University. With the amendments agreed at the meeting, the following two Standards were considered ready to be sent for country consultation:

  • Nasonovia ribisnigri on lettuce (new);
  • PP 1/272 Foliar diseases on maize.


Five new Standards were studied in detail and it was considered that further expert input is needed. Ms Bednarikova made presentations on poppy pests: Ceutorhynchus maculaalba & Dasineura papaveris, and Stenocarus fuliginosus. Thanks are due to Mr Lecompte, researcher at INRA Bordeaux, who participated in the meeting to support the discussion on Eutypa lata on grapevine.

  • Ceutorhynchus maculaalba and Dasineura papaveris;
  • Stenocarus fuliginosus poppy root weevil;
  • Helicoverpa armigera on vegetables;
  • Ceutorhynchus picitarsis on oilseed rape;
  • Eutypa lata on grapevine.


The Secretariat will try to finalize some of them by correspondence before they could be sent for country consultation.


A need to revise EPPO Standard PP 1/106 Ceratitis capitata was raised by ECPA experts and new Standard(s) will be drafted well in advance of the next meeting to include the situation not considered by the current PP 1/106 that is open field trials with adulticide products under natural infestations.


Extrapolation tables

These tables are developed to accompany EPPO Standard PP 1/257 Efficacy and crop safety extrapolations for minor uses. The Panel revised the format and instructions to assist in the application of the tables. New and revised extrapolation tables will be published shortly on the EPPO website.


Surveys to improve harmonization of PPP dose expression

The first results of the surveys on Dose expression for seed treatment and authorized dose for plant protection products in general were presented to the Panel. The questionnaire was sent to the Heads of NPPOs of the EPPO countries on 2015-06-16 and 17 responses have been received so far. A new deadline for the countries that did not respond has been set for 2016-01-31. The results of the questionnaire, once finalized, will be made available to all EPPO countries.


The Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides will next meet in Paris (EPPO Headquarters) on 2016-11-22/24.