44th Meeting of the Working Party on Plant Protection Products
Budapest, 2014-05-21/23
The 44th Meeting of the Working Party on Plant Protection Products took place in Budapest on 2014-05-21/23. Many thanks are due to the Hungarian Ministry of Rural Development for organizing the meeting and the warm hospitability. There were 23 participants from 16 EPPO countries and a member of ECPA as an observer.
This EPPO Working Party directs and supervises the technical work of the EPPO Panels concerned with the efficacy evaluation and registration of plant protection products. The major points from the meeting are summarized below.
Pictures were kindly provided by B. Weickmans - View more >
EPPO Standards for approval
The Working Party on Plant Protection Products approved two new EPPO Specific Standards and revised two General Standards in series PP1 Efficacy Evaluation of Plant Protection Products. These Standards will be submitted to the Executive Committee and Council of EPPO in September 2014 for approval and publication:
New Specific Standards
- Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (red palm weevil)
- Psylliodes attenuata on hop (hop flea beetles)
General Standards
- Phytotoxicity assessment (revision PP 1/135)
- Principles of acceptable efficacy (revision PP 1/214)
Six other general Standards were revised to take into account the repeal of EU Council Directive 91/414/EC by EC Regulation 1107/2009.
Zonal efficacy evaluation
Two new examples of zonal efficacy evaluation to accompany EPPO Standard PP 1/278 Principles of zonal data production and evaluation have been approved by the Working Party and added on the EPPO website:
- Clarification of efficacy data requirements for the authorization of an insecticide against aphids, thrips and whiteflies in ornamental plants in greenhouses in the EU;
- Clarification of efficacy data requirements for the authorization of a fungicide for the control of yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (PUCCSI)) on wheat (Triticum aestivum (TRZAX)) in the European Central authorization zone.
Extrapolation tables for minor uses
The Working Party analysed extrapolation tables for minor uses which are being developed to complement EPPO Standard PP 1/257 Efficacy and crop safety extrapolations for minor uses. The following new and revised extrapolation tables have been approved and will be added on the EPPO website:
- Revised tables for effectiveness of fungicides: vegetable brassicas, pome fruit, stone fruit, fruiting vegetables of Solanaceae, Allium vegetables, Cucurbitaceae, leafy vegetables, tree nuts, flower bulbs and -tubers and bulb- and tuber flower crops;
- Revised tables for effectiveness of insecticides: vegetable brassicas and flower bulbs and -tubers and bulb- and tuber flower crops;
- New tables both for effectiveness of fungicides and insecticides: Strawberry and Umbelliferous crops.
Programme of activity
The Working Party also discussed future activities and priorities for consideration by the EPPO Council in September 2014. In addition to proposals for new Standards or revision of existing ones, future activities include development of the EPPO codes to describe uses of plant protection products, Good Experimental Practice and initiatives related to Integrated Pest Management. The Working Party also supported the idea of carrying out surveys on dose expression for seed treatment and dose expression in general. Furthermore, the Working Party discussed the future EPPO strategy and made several recommendations which will be presented to the EPPO Council.
The next Working Party on Plant Protection Products is due to convene in York, UK on 2015-05-27/29.