FAO/EPPO Workshop on 'Commodity-associated phytosanitary risk,
its analysis and management'
Bishkek, 2014-06-03/06
The Workshop was attended by 32 participants coming from 15 countries, EPPO and EEC (Eurasian Economic Commission). Eleven presentations from FAO- and EPPO-supported speakers were made, followed by questions and discussions. In addition, 14 presentations were given from participating countries.
The aim of this Workshop was to promote the implementation of ISPMs and EPPO Standards concerning commodity-associated phytosanitary risk, its analysis and management, as well as to provide the opportunity for participants to share experience and views on Pest Risk Analysis (PRA), pest risk specific to different commodities and pest risk management. Participating countries were given the opportunity to present how PRA is carried out and how pest risk is managed at the national level.
The Workshop produced a number of recommendations and observations:
- this kind of Workshop is very useful both for EPPO and potential EPPO countries in facilitating implementation of international and regional phytosanitary standards in NPPOs practice and should be continued; possibility could be studied to select practical topics for the future to focus on specific pests or crops of common concern and to discuss how ISPMs and EPPO Standards could be applied in specific practical situations;
- concerning PRA, there is a wish of countries to simplify the EPPO scheme of full PRA (Standard PM 5/3 and CAPRA program) and to have a choice of using wording (‘qualitative’ assessment) or figures (‘quantitative’ assessment);
- countries need trainings (possibly combined with workshops or using IT technologies for distance trainings) in Russian on PRA and the use of CAPRA program, on the use of climate mapping software for the purpose to get more effective PRA; trainings could not always focus on inspectors but also on national trainers who could then train inspectors;
- most of countries are experiencing organisational challenges over phytosanitary controls at borders: it would be useful to consider interactions and responsibilities of NPPOs and Customs at the borders at the global level (possibly at the level of IPPC and World Customs Organization) especially concerning the 'single window' system with the purpose of not losing professional phytosanitary inspection service at borders; in this respect the development of a regional or international guidance on the necessary level of qualification of border phytosanitary inspectors would be useful; it would be also interesting to assess what is the necessary level of inspection of consignments for export and maybe reflect this in future in international and regional standards.
In general, participants expressed their satisfaction with the Workshop organization and achievements: they managed to better understand ISPMs and EPPO Standards and to learn a lot of new from organizers and from exchange of national experiences.