5th Meeting of the Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments

Paris, FR, 2011-03-30/31


The meeting was held in the EPPO Headquarters in Paris on 2011-03-30/31. The Panel continued its work on the preparation of standards on phytosanitary treatments. These standards describe methods to be followed for performing treatments of commodities moving in trade against quarantine pests and treatments of crops for containment and eradication of regulated pests.

The Panel reviewed three standards returned by the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations after countries’ comments (Phosphine fumigation of dried fruits and nuts to control various stored product insectsPhosphine fumigation of stored products to control stored-product insect pests in general and Phosphine fumigation of seeds to control stored-product insects in general). Panel members will seek further advice to solve the issues raised during country consultation.

The Panel also considered six treatment standards that are currently in preparation. It finalized four drafts to be sent for country consultation:

  • Hot water treatment of flower bulbs to control nematodes
  • Plants for planting (cuttings) of Euphorbia pulcherrima
  • Hot water treatment to control Flavescence dorée of grapevine
  • Hot water treatment of strawberry plants against Aphelenchoides besseyi


The Panel reviewed existing methyl bromide treatments and considered that they should be withdrawn because this active substance has been phased out. The Panel questioned whether it should continue to meet in the future as there are only 3 active members.  This issue will be discussed further by the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations.