EPPO Expert Working Group on Resistance
to Plant Protection Products


Composition (last updated September 2024)

BARRES Benoit (Mr)

ANSES, Lyon (FR)

CALHA Maria Isabel (Ms)

Instituto Nacional de Recursos Biologicos, Lisboa (PT)

DE CAL Y CORTINA Antonieta (Ms)

Department of Plant Protection, INIA (ES)

DUBUIS Pierre-Henri (Mr)

Institut des Sciences en Production Végétale, Agroscope, Nyon (CH)

ELBERSE Ivonne (Ms)

National Plant Protection Organization, Wageningen (NL)

 ERIKSSON Lovisa (Ms)  Swedish Board of Agriculture, Linköping (SE)

GENET Jean-Luc (Mr)

CropLife Europe – Du Pont de Nemours (FR)

 GITSOPOULOS Thomas (Mr)  Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources, ELGO-DIMITRA, Thessaloniki (GR)

HALL Beth (Ms)

CropLife Europe – Syngenta

 HELLIN Pierre (Mr)  Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRAW), Dept Life Sciences, Gembloux (BE)
 KACZMAREK-DERDA Wiktoria (Ms)  NIBIO, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, As (NO)
 KILDEA Stephen (Mr)  Crops Science Department, Teagasc, Oak Park, Carlow (IE)
 MAZZONI Emanuele (Mr)  Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza (IT)
 MEDVEÄŽ Martin (Mr)  Central Control and Testing Institute of Agriculture (CCTIA), Bratislava (SK)
 NEUBACHER Maria (Ms)  Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Vienna (AT)
 O’REILLY Christian (Mr)  Health & Safety Executive, Chemicals Regulation Division, York (UK)
 RUUTTUNEN Pentti (Mr)  Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki (FI)

SALAS Marisa (Ms)

CropLife Europe – Du Pont De Nemours (FR)

SLATER Russell (Mr)

CropLife Europe – Syngenta (CH), IRAC

 SONDERSKOV Mette (Ms)  Institute for Agroecology, Aarhus University, Crop health Section, Slagelse (DK)

TSAGKARAKOU Anastasia (Ms)

Institute of Olive Tree Subtropical Crops and Viticulture Laboratory of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology , Heraklion, Crete, Greece (GR)

ULBER Lena (Ms)

Institute for Plant Protection in Arable Crops and Grassland, Braunschweig (DE)

WALKER Anne-Sophie (Ms)

INRA, UMR 1290 BIOGER-CPP, Versailles (FR)



Terms of Reference (as agreed by the Executive Committee in 2018)


The ad hoc Panel on Resistance Risk Assessment met from 1997 to 2002 to prepare the EPPO Standard PP 1/213 Resistance risk analysis (first approved in 1999 and revised in 2002). Following the EPPO Workshop on the Interpretation and Use of the EPPO Standard on Resistance Risk Analysis (Bologna, IT, 2004-10-19/20), the ad hoc Panel was reconstituted to become a permanent Panel and the first version of the terms of reference for their work was drafted. The first meeting of the Panel on Resistance on Plant Protection Products took place in 2006.



The Resistance Panel on Plant Protection Products considers all aspects of data requirements for efficacy evaluation of plant protection products in relation to resistance issues and promotes harmonization to facilitate communication and regulatory data exchange on plant protection products between authorities in different countries and between industry (applicants) and regulators.



  • Advise the Working Party on Plant Protection Products in regard to general policy on maintenance and revision of the Standard PP 1/213 Resistance Risk Analysis to meet the needs of industry and regulators in the plant protection products sector;
  • Collection and dissemination of resistance information (databases, guideline, etc.) Provide internet links via EPPO web site.
  • Set up, support, encourage a network of resistance ‘expertise’ that EPPO countries can utilise.
  • Publish guidance documents on resistance risk management for specific situations i.e. major pest/active combinations on regional basis.
  • Encourage harmonization of resistance management strategies, where possible (in regions of comparable pest epidemiology).
  • Encourage adoption of resistance management strategies at user level.
  • Monitor and, if required, publish agreed list of inherent species risk.
  • Encourage and support the establishment and work of national and regional resistance groups.
  • Carry out specific additional tasks requested by the Working Party on Plant Protection Products or the EPPO Secretariat;
  • Report to the Working Party on Plant Protection Products on its activities.


Way of Working

Experts for the Panel are nominated by member countries and by the Resistance Action Committees (RACs) and the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) and appointed by the Executive Committee. Panel members should be selected on the basis of their expertise and should serve in an individual capacity.


The Panel normally meets annually. In between annual meetings it may meet virtually by teleconference or other means, and may hold e-mail consultations to facilitate rapid decision making.


Reports of meetings are circulated within four weeks in draft and participants are given two weeks in which to comment. After that the report is finalized.


The EPPO Secretariat provides or nominates the Chair and Secretary.