EPPO Expert Working Group on Harmonization of Data
on Plant Protection Products


Composition (last updated September 2024)

COEMANS Bert (Mr) FOD Volksgezondheid, Brussels (BE)
DIX Anja (Ms) CropLife Europe – BASF (DE)
DONNARUMMA Lucia (Ms) CREA-Research Centre for Plant Protection and Certification, Roma (IT)
KRAL Gregor (Mr) Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Braunschweig (DE)
LANGER Ingrid (Ms) Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Institute for Plant Protection Products, Wien (AT)
MOL Erwin (Mr) National Plant Protection Organization, Utrecht (NL)
PITAROKILI Danae (Ms) Ministry of Rural Development and Food, Athens (GR)
RADET Franck (Mr)  ANSES, Maisons Alfort (FR)
WILLIAMS Mark (Mr)  European Commission DG SANTE Unit E4 Pesticides and Biocides



Terms of Reference (as agreed by the Executive Committee in 2020)


The Panel on Data Harmonization for Plant Protection Products (PPP) was first established as an ad hoc Panel in 2004 and last met in 2005 after having held three meetings. Its activities resulted in the production of EPPO Standard PP 1/240 Harmonized basic information for databases on plant protection products and EPPO Standard PP 1/248 Harmonized classification and coding of the uses of plant protection products. The ad hoc Panel was then dormant before being revived in 2014 to discuss the development of new EPPO Codes to describe uses of plant protection products. In 2020, it was decided to rename the Panel as an Expert Working Group (EWG) to reflect the scope of the work which has clearly defined and limited tasks and the very specific expertise needed for its work.



The EWG on Data Harmonization for Plant Protection Products advises the EPPO Panel on General Standards for efficacy evaluation and the EPPO Secretariat on all aspects of data harmonization to describe PPP uses to facilitate communication and regulatory data exchange on PPP between authorities in different countries and between agrochemical companies and authorities.



  • Create new and maintain the existing EPPO non-taxonomic Codes (and their hierarchy) within the harmonized classification of non-taxonomic Codes to describe PPP uses,
  • Advise the EPPO Secretariat on individual requests for new non-taxonomic EPPO Codes as part of the harmonized classification as the EPPO Secretariat cannot rely on any ‘external scientific authority’ as it does for taxonomic codes,
  • Advise the EPPO Panel on General Standards in regard to harmonization of data elements for communication and storage of information on plant protection products, including development and revision of relevant Standards on harmonized information for PPP,
  • Advise the EPPO Panel on General Standards in regard to general policy on maintenance and revision of the EPPO Code system to meet the needs of agrochemical companies and authorities in the plant protection products sector,
  • Advise the EPPO Secretariat if changes in taxonomic EPPO Codes have a significant impact in the plant protection products sector e.g. on other databases on PPPs,
  • EWG members are encouraged to participate in webinars arranged for EPPO Code users to facilitate good exchange of views with all EPPO Codes users,
  • Carry out specific additional tasks related to the non-taxonomic EPPO Codes and requested by the Panel on General Standards,
  • Report to the Panel on General Standards on its activities.



The EWG is composed of the members of the former EPPO Panel on Data Harmonization for PPP. If more specific expertise is needed, a Call might be organized by the EPPO Secretariat. The Panel on General Standards will decide on which experts are invited to join the EWG. EWG members should be selected on the basis of their expertise and should serve in an individual capacity.


European Commission representatives are also invited in the EWG meetings because relevant European databases on PPP and Plant Health are being developed which make use of EPPO Codes.


Timing of meetings

The EWG normally meets annually, if needed, either by physical meeting or teleconference. In between annual meetings it may meet by teleconference, and may hold e-mail consultations to facilitate rapid decision making on individual non-taxonomic EPPO Codes.



Finalized classification for EPPO Codes to describe uses of PPP which is helpful to identify harmonized definitions of declared uses of products and to facilitate communication among countries.