EPPO Panel on Phytosanitary Measures for Potato


Composition (last updated September 2024)

 CAKIR Emel (Ms)  Directorate of Plant Protection Central Research Institute, Ankara (TR)
 HERMANSEN Arne (Mr)  NIBIO (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research), Ås (NO)
 JANSSEN Frans (Mr)  Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, Utrecht (NL)


Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture, Edinburgh (GB)

 JENNES Wim (Mr)  Agence Fédérale pour la Sécurité de la Chaîne Alimentaire (AFSCA), Bruxelles (BE)

 KÖNIG Stephan (Mr)

 Julius Kühn-Institut, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Institute for National and International Plant Health, Braunschweig (DE)

 MUNAUT Françoise (Ms)

 European Commission, Brussels (BE)

 PONSERRE Nicolas (Mr)  GNIS (French organisation for seeds), Paris (FR)
 ROONEY Paul (Mr)  Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Dublin (IE)

 ROZÁK Július (Mr)

 Central Control and Testing Institute of Agriculture (CCTIA), Bratislava (SK)

SAHAJDAK Agnieszka (Ms)

Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection Service, Warsaw (PL)

 SANZ DIEZ Roberto (Mr)  Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (ES)
 STEVENS Laura (Ms)  Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, York (GB)


 Federal State Institution "All Russian Plant Quarantine Center", Moscow Oblast (RU)

 TOMASSOLI Laura (Ms)  CRA PAV – Centro di Ricerca, Roma (IT)

TRKULJA Vojislav (Mr)

Agricultural Institute of Republic Srpska (BA)



Terms of Reference (as agreed by the Executive Committee in September 2017)


This Panel was established as an ad hoc panel for specific tasks in 1997. It has drafted a commodity standard (PM8/1), worked on a global standard for potato and developed guidance for specific quarantine pests. The Panel met 13 times in 8 years. In the 13th meeting (2006) future work and priorities were discussed, in particular the question of whether the status of this Panel should change. The Working Party agreed that Panel should become permanent, not only to finish ongoing work, but also to be easily able to address new emerging tasks for potato. Since then the Panel carried on meeting every year, organizing several workshops back to back with the Panel meeting.



The Panel on Phytosanitary Measures for Potato considers all aspects of NPPO risk management to prevent the introduction and spread of quarantine pests and regulated non-quarantine pests in potato. Its scope is to:



  • advising and support the EPPO Secretariat in regard to global harmonization activities concerning phytosanitary measures for potato
  • developing guidance concerning contingency planning (EPPO PM 9 Standards for potato pests)
  • developing guidance on phytosanitary risks associated with soil attached to potato tubers
  • completing and maintaining the Commodity Standard on Phytosanitary Measures for Potato
  • maintaining the existing standards on potato pests
  • reviewing PRAs conducted by EPPO for pests relevant to potato
  • reviewing where needed EPPO standards on diagnostics (EPPO PM 7 Standards), phytosanitary treatments (EPPO PM 10 Standards), and phytosanitary procedures (EPPO PM 3 Standards) concerning potato pests
  • sharing information about phytosanitary measures for potato and on emerging pests and diseases in potato
  • providing advice on regulated non-quarantine pests
  • carrying out specific additional tasks requested by the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations or the EPPO Secretariat;
  • reporting to the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations on its activities.


Way of Working

  • Experts for the Panel are nominated by member countries (or other approved bodies) and appointed by the Executive Committee.
  • Panel members are selected on the basis of their expertise and serve in an individual capacity.
  • The Panel normally meets annually. In between annual meetings it may meet by teleconference, and may hold e-mail consultations to facilitate rapid decision making.
  • Reports of meetings are circulated within four weeks in draft and participants are given two weeks in which to comment. After that the report is finalized.
  • The Panel submits its draft Standards, advice and recommendations to the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations for further consideration, and consults the Working Party in relation to significant quarantine issues in the potatoes sector.
  • The EPPO Secretariat provides the Chair and Secretary for meetings.